Save on Initial Costs with Cloud Computing

June 26, 2018

Opening a new business or additional locations can be really expensive. Not only are you going to have recurring costs like rent, utilities and payroll for your business but you’ll need to plan for all of those initial, one-time expenses too like furniture and equipment to get you started. If thinking about all of these costs has your head spinning and you’re itching for a way to lower your capex then talk to DVD Networks about our cloud solutions!
With cloud computing for your business you can say goodbye to having to purchase and upkeep those expensive servers and say hello to a variety of additional benefits for your business. With cloud services and Workspace-as-a-Service (WaaS) on your side you’ll find that your team is able to be more productive, you’ll be saving data and saving money. Since all of your data will be safely stored in the cloud with top-of-the-line data protection your employees will no longer need to keep redundant copies of documents on their personal computer. They will have it all available on their mobile desktops.
Got an employee with a sick child at home? Since you’ve chosen to use cloud computing rather than a traditional network setup they’ll be able to log-on from home and still get some work done while they look after their little one. There are so many benefits you’ll be getting by utilizing cloud solutions and by choosing DVD Networks, you’ll also be getting access to 24/7/365 support from our technical team.