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DVD Blog: Expert Insights on Managed IT, Cybersecurity, and Technology Solutions

Welcome to the DVD Networks Blog, your go-to resource for insights on managed IT services, cybersecurity solutions, and technology consulting. Our mission is to empower senior living, healthcare, and business organizations with secure and efficient network and communication tools.

Enhancing Network Performance

DVD Networks
Post by DVD Networks
September 23, 2017
Enhancing Network Performance

Dominion Voice and Data a leader in unified communications, announced today that the company will now offer SD-WAN (Software-Defined Networking in a Wide Area Network). SD-WAN simplifies the management and operation of a WAN (Wide Area Network) by separating the networking hardware from its control mechanism. A key application of an SD-WAN is to allow companies to build higher-performance WANs using lower-cost Internet access, enabling businesses to partially or wholly replace more expensive private WAN connection technologies such as MPLS. Gartner, a marketing research firm, has predicted that by the end of 2019, 30% of enterprises will deploy SD-WAN technology in their branches.

Find out more by reading our latest press release »

DVD Networks
Post by DVD Networks
September 23, 2017